Important Steps to Take Before Commercial Lifts Installation

A number of things could influence the overall cost of getting commercial lifts installed and therefore, it is very important that before you get one installed, you carry out a small research. This research should be basically on whether the chosen lift is going to fit your purpose not and what would be the overall cost of this installation. Here in this post, we will have a look at some common factors that will influence the final cost. 

The Basic Points To Consider Are:

Meeting the Codes

  • According to the experts, no matter they are home or office lifts or residential or commercial lifts, it is very important that they meet the Building Code of Australia for Disabled Access. 
  • However, an important point to take into note is that this will vary depending upon the application and here, a building surveyor would be able to tell you about the mandatory requirements of a project.
  • At the same time, the residential, as well as commercial lifts, must conform to a recognized lift code such as AS1735 or EN81.
  • Not to mention that these installations should also meet AS3000 for electrical installations.
  • When all these things are decided and you are also determined about the size and rated load, you will be in a better position to discuss the project and its requirements with the supplier of commercial lifts.
  • These suppliers will give you a firm quote along with the drawings of the upcoming project and here, you will have the option of choosing the company of your choice.
  • It’s important that before starting the project, even the minutest details are discussed face to face because experts believe that with it, costly mistakes can be averted straightaway.

When Comparing Prices The Following Are The Main Points:

  • What speed does the lift travel at and is it appropriate for the size and use of the building?
  • What finishes are offered within the quote?
  • What structure is required to support the lift? 
  • Does it have its own support structure?
  • What is the quality of the motor, drive, and electronics?
  • Does the company have spare parts and a quality maintenance department in your city?


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